Common Questions

Q. How are you different from real estate agents?

Real estate agents will list your property for sale, and charge a commission to sell the property. There is no way to know for sure if, when and how much your property will for. On average it takes about a month for a property to sell, but some take over a year. The anxiety of not knowing when it will sell can cause a lot of stress. On top of not knowing when your house is going to sell, you have to keep it in pristine condition because you never know when someone will want to view the property. At the end of the selling process, on the day the property sells, is usually when you find out the exact amount that you are going to receive.

We don’t want to list your property, as your local independent, professional real estate buyer, we want to buy your property and we want to buy it now!We don’t charge and commissions or fees, and usually within 24-48 hours we are able to make a fast cash offer. Once the the offer is accepted, you could have your money in seven days or sooner!

We want your sale to be quick, painless, and stress-free!

Q. Do You Pay Market Value, or Retail?

There is a big difference between what a real estate agent tells you your property is valued at, and how much money you will actually receive if, and when the property sells.

For starters, it is not uncommon for a property to sell for 5 to 10 percent less than what the property is listed is.

Also when working with a real estate agent, it is very common for you as a seller, to be required to do repairs to satisfy the buyer. These repairs can become very expensive and cost thousands of dollars.

While your property is on the market there are also holding costs. (The cost of money invested into the property and your loan payment.) Your real estate agent isn’t going to make your mortgage payments for you while you are waiting for the property to sell, but we will buy your house now!

Lastly, there is the the commission to your real estate agent, and the closing costs. Commissions can be as much as 7 percent, and closing costs can be as high as 3 percent.

Bottom Line:
Your real estate agent will tell you that your property is worth X amount of dollars, but after the property sells, minus the holding costs, repairs, commissions, closing costs, etc., and after subtracting all of those costs you could be taking home thousands of dollars less than X amount.

Q: How much will I be offered for my property?

Your local, independent, professional property buyer is committed to getting you a quick cash offer that beneficial for both of you. Your local buyer is dedicated to making your sale as quick and stress-free as possible.

Each local buyer has the ability to offer you a number of purchasing programs that are personalized to you. Each buyer has their own procedure and approach to determine what they can pay for a property. Each program allows you to benefit from the quickest possible sale, and to be able to sell your property without having to invest any time and money into repairs.

The amount your buyer can offer for you property will be determined based on many factors. These factors can include the condition of the property and the repairs need, time factor, whether you need to be cashed out, if is there are are other creative options that can be achieved.

Q: Do you buy houses that aren’t in good shape?

No matter the condition, location, or price range, we buy all types of homes! We will purchase everything from an unstable shack to a multi-million dollar home.

Q: What are the fees involved?

There are no fees to make an offer, and there are no commissions either!

Q: What am I obligated to if I fill out the form and you make an offer?

Nothing, there is no obligation to anything. We will make an offer, then you can either accept it or reject it.

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