Our Solutions

We have multiple solutions available

If you just need to sell fast!

  • We can buy your property and have cash in your hand in 7 days or less!
  • We will handle all the maintenance and repairs!!
  • We can purchase property even if it is currently tenant occupied!

If you are overdue on your mortgage payments

  • We can make up your past due payments and save your credit!
  • If you have equity, we can buy it from you.
  • Even if you don’t have any equity, you may qualify for a short sale from your lender, and that will allow us to purchase your property and save your credit!
  • We work directly with a title company that is able to help represent you and negotiate your mortgage terms with your lender on your behalf.

If your house is currently listed with a real estate agent.

We will negotiate with your real estate agent to come up with a solution that is beneficial for everyone involved.

Want To Sell Your House Fast?